I have full lips. It’s pretty obvious I do. No, no fillers. No, no injections, neither. Just God.
And because I have some serious full lips, I have to take great pains into caring for them. It means a looooooooot of water. Yes, you hydrate from the inside out, ladies (and gents!). It also means I have to buy products for my lips to keep them sexy and smooth.
So, here are my recommendations. A lot of these are very cheap and affordable. Some of them might be pricey, but they do last a very long time (especially if you use them every day).
For the Basic B*tches – Carmex

Seriously, you can’t go wrong with Carmex. It’s cheap, and it works! One small tube will last you a long time. A 3-pack might even last your six months to a year. And yes, this is with daily use. It’s very basic, but it gets the job done!
To purchase, click here.
For those who want just a little razzle dazzle – Burt’s Bees

Burt’s Bees, I feel, are just a step above Carmex. Still a great brand, and still very affordable, but maybe with just a tad bit more oomph to it. Maybe you want to get a little fancy with your lips, but not too fancy. The great thing about Burt’s Bees, is that just like with Carmex, it’s available everywhere.
To purchase, click here.
For the slightly fancier chicks – EOS Lip Butter Tube (personal fave!)

I love, love, LOVE this one! I bought it several months ago and I still have it (and yes, it’s with daily use!). It’s super thick and a little goes a long way. Plus, did I mention how CHEAP it is? Your lips will absolutely thank you for this!
To purchase, click here.
For those who feel like they just spent a ton of money, but really they didn’t – Fourth Ray Beauty Lip Mask

The thing about Fourth Ray Beauty I particularly don’t like is that it’s not available everywhere and it seems to only be available in Ulta and their website. However, it’s worth the splurge. Even those the lip mask says it’s overnight, you can actually wear it anytime.
Again, this is super thick so a little goes a long way and it does last a very long time, even with everyday use. The coconut one pictured is a personal fave!
That is all for my recommendations! What are yours? Sound off in the comments!